dissabte, 18 d’abril del 2020


My life in quarantine is quite simple since I can't go out or do a lot of stuff locked up at home.
I have started to get overwhelmed with the idea of ​​not being able to go out, or seeing my friends or family, not being able to celebrate my birthday with them ... but I decided to make a change of attitude since it was the best thing for me so I started to be more productive.
I applied myself more to studies, I spent more time with my mother and my pets, I exercised, I discovered new recipes, I began to read a novel to myself, to develop hobbies ...
I am also quite active in social networks which has improved my social relationship because I went back to talking with people who had not spoken for a long time, I met incredible people, I strengthened friendships ...
Although it also affects me negatively because it increases my anxiety and there are days that I collapse and I am overwhelmed a lot that makes me argue more with my mother, that my relationship with a boy has not worked ... but I prefer to stay with the positive parts since there are many and focus on everything that does me good.
Cuarentena, Dibujo, De Dibujos Animados imagen png - imagen ...Concepto de meditación con personaje dibujado a mano | Vector ...