divendres, 22 de maig del 2020


My plans for after ESO are simple.
I will go to Figueres and there I will do a socio-sanitary cycle, then I will do a higher one specializing in what I like the most, when I have finished it and have a stable job I will go to live alone in a flat in Figueres.
While I am taking the cycle I also take out the car charge to give me movement and so I can go see my family and friends

dissabte, 18 d’abril del 2020


My life in quarantine is quite simple since I can't go out or do a lot of stuff locked up at home.
I have started to get overwhelmed with the idea of ​​not being able to go out, or seeing my friends or family, not being able to celebrate my birthday with them ... but I decided to make a change of attitude since it was the best thing for me so I started to be more productive.
I applied myself more to studies, I spent more time with my mother and my pets, I exercised, I discovered new recipes, I began to read a novel to myself, to develop hobbies ...
I am also quite active in social networks which has improved my social relationship because I went back to talking with people who had not spoken for a long time, I met incredible people, I strengthened friendships ...
Although it also affects me negatively because it increases my anxiety and there are days that I collapse and I am overwhelmed a lot that makes me argue more with my mother, that my relationship with a boy has not worked ... but I prefer to stay with the positive parts since there are many and focus on everything that does me good.
Cuarentena, Dibujo, De Dibujos Animados imagen png - imagen ...Concepto de meditación con personaje dibujado a mano | Vector ...

dimarts, 3 de març del 2020


My favorite trip was 4 years ago, I went to Andorra with my mother, my uncles and my cousin.
We shared a hotel with a water polo team and played with them in the hotel pool.
I also learned to ski because my uncle taught me since they have been skiing for many years.
This was my favourite trip because it was my first travel, and I shared a lot of new experiences with my cousin that it's also my best friend.
It was very funny and I want to go there another time with them.

Resultado de imagen de andorra

dimarts, 25 de febrer del 2020


Resultado de imagen de high angles
This is a nice photo of a cute puppy.
This is taken from a high angle.
That shot make me feel happy because I like animals a lot and that dog is beautiful.

Resultado de imagen de low angles
This is a photo of Joker, he is a crazy Marvel caracter.
This is taken from a low angle with but lighning
That shot make me feel in love with that caracter.

Resultado de imagen de slanted angles
This is a photo of a sunset taken from slanted angle.
This make me feel very relaxed, it's beautiful.

Resultado de imagen de eye level shot
This is a eye level shot of an atractive girl.
This make me feel amazed because she's so pretty.

Resultado de imagen de aereal shot
This is a photo of a very colorful castel.
This is taken from a aerial view.
That shot make me feel happy because there are a lot of colors and this remembers me when I was little.

Resultado de imagen de close up shot
This is a photo of a caracter of The shining, it's a horror film.
This is taken from a close up shot.
That shot makes me feel uncomfortable because when I saw that film last year and it was very scary.

Resultado de imagen de long angle shot
This is a photo of a waterfall.
This is taken from a long angle.
That shot makes me feel calm because it's very green and relaxing.

dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2020


In my opinion feelings are just mental stages.

I have decided to do my world on this subject since in a part of the blog I tried it a bit and I found it interesting to make a section only of this topic.
As far as emotions and feelings are mental states, I mean that a feeling of joy, sadness, love ... are not things that we feel with the heart as many people say, since the heart is only the mechanism that pumps blood .

In this case, we have certain thoughts and tastes established in our mind and when something does not fit with it we get sad, and when it turns upside down we are happy, it is the same as with love, when we find a person who meets the established our mind begins to attract us and a certain addition to this person is created, as a kind of obsession. That is why they say that love and hate are practically the same because when we hate we become obsessed with someone and when we love too, with different perspectives of course, but it is practically the same to hate than to love.

In conclusion I think we should all first try to understand our mind that way we can somehow control it and thus feel less pain and unpleasant feelings. particularly love since it is the most painful feeling that exists


Forman was a well-known photographer working for the Boston Herald when he attended the scene of a fire. What began as him documenting the rescue of a young woman and child quickly took a turn when the fire escape collapsed.
The pair began to fall and he continued shooting as they were falling. He capturing them swimming through the air. Forman only lowered his camera and turned at the last moment when he realized what he was witnessing was a woman plummeting to her death.


Can we choose to fall out of love?

The rapper and writer Dessa realizes that all her songs as a soloist talk about the same guy. Then she saw a TED of Helen Fisher's that she explains the brains of the lovestruck. Dessa though "If I could find my love in the brain, maybe I could take it out."
She explains who take off love of your mind.

Personally I think that feelings are mental states, emotions that make us feel and believe our mind.
As for love, our mind is fixed on someone who matches our thoughts and tastes and we automatically focus our attention on that person.
I also believe that more open-minded people are more likely to have a broader and different sexual orientation than usual, but closed-minded people may not fall in love with someone of the same sex since their mind does not fit that.
everything is a mental question, if we learn to control our mind we can control our emotions and feelings

Words learned: